One of the main criticisms I hear of resolutions is they're rarely followed for longer than a month. I make no pretence that my resolutions are law, but they are things I will work on every day for the year.
Resolution 1 - Learn to speak in French
I've been using Duolingo to learn French for a long while (137 day streak) but my knowledge and experience with the language is still lacking. In addition to keeping my Duolingo streak for the entire year I want to be able to hold conversations with the language through much more thorough practise.Resolution 2 - Keep a record of the year
I want to achieve this in two ways. First, I want to keep a journal of each day. I had been doing that in 2016 but with many gaps. The point of this is to create a purpose to each day with some set of goals. Second, I want to release a blog on here each week. I've been gathering ideas and even have some drafts but never put in the time to finish them up.Resolution 3 - Apply and respect my own deadlines
One of the curses of working on something of my own design is I never consider anything finished. I never really grew up to like strict deadlines so I never wanted to enforce one on something I control. For the past three years of university I had the good reasoning that it was infinitely more important to learn than to finish. Finally, I have reached a point where the most important learning will be through keeping to deadlines and actually finishing something.That's it. Of course I have more than 3 things I want to achieve this year but these are the ones I think are worth having in writing. As small mentions I aim to read more and exercise more, both of which I made a good effort to start and keep up.
If you're reading this I hope you have, had or are having a fantastic 2017.
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