Sunday, 12 October 2014


My 1st of April this year featured no pranks and I barely had any time during the day to check all the crazy stuff that would be going on in the internet. Instead of all of that I woke up close to 4 in the morning to get ready for my train to Manchester. BBC North in MediaCity Manchester were hosting an event called Vision 2022 of which people from colleges near Manchester and universities in the North were invited in small amounts. I wasn't really sure what to expect but I figured it would be fun so why not?

What I Learned As A First Year University Student

The backbone of my gamedev progress so far has been my life as a university student. My experience in the university itself has also been lovely. Someone I know has made a blog about what they would tell the past version of them before starting university. I'd like to do the same in some sort of arbitrary list of 5 things I did well in university and 5 things I didn't do so well.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Back In Hull

The fact that there was a massive hiatus directly after my "End of Hiatus" blog is not lost on me. It's not that I didn't do anything worth talking about, it's just I couldn't stir myself to post any blogs. No project work on my list was started or finished though which is a huge disappointment. As a result all of that will be worked through in my free time over the year. What a year this will be though. My second year. Before I get into second year stuff though I should go over what exactly I did do over the summer. For that, I will need to spread words out over a few blogs. I'm going to try to keep this as updated as possible. Anything I learn or do or make will be here. Probably a blog every day for a while.

Also, this blog has reached 1,000 views. Hurray!